

                  Hello Everyone,                                                                                                                                                                                      March 12, 2025        

                    In this Issue:


  1. When it comes to longevity, lifestyle matters
  2. Sodium bicarbonate triggers online debate
  3. Photos This Week
  4. Upcoming Events:, May 25 SudburyRocks!!! Marathon
  5. Running Room Run Club Update: 
  6. Track North and Laurentian XC News





When it comes to longevity, lifestyle matters

Think your genes are the golden ticket to a century on Earth? Turns out, DNA is less like a VIP backstage pass and more like a general admission stub – you’ve still gotta hustle for the good seats. A recent study found your environment and habits dictate 17% of disease-related mortality risk, leaving genetics in the dust at a measly 2%. Smoking was among the most consequential behaviors, linked to 21 diseases. Inactivity and socioeconomic factors were associated with 17 and 19 ailments, respectively. So yes, your postal code might matter more than your genetic code. Behavioral differences may even explain the discrepancy in life expectancy between men and women according to the NYT: “Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men?” The story notes that men are more likely to engage in risky, harmful behaviors like excessive drinking and smoking. Women also tend to wear seatbelts, have an annual checkup, and socialize more frequently. All of those behaviors are controllable, and with the right approach, anyone can improve their odds. One particularly effective way is to employ: “The 80:20 training routine that can help you live longer . Most folks can agree the 80:20 rule can transform your cardio for the better. By doing 80% of your training in zone 2 (approximately a BPM of 180 minus your age), you can lay the foundation for a stronger cardiovascular system without causing burnout.

The 80/20 Rule





Sodium bicarbonate triggers online debate
Baking soda is an all-natural performance enhancer, but some runners think it shouldn't be allowed

Cameron Ormond February 27, 2025 for Candian Running Magazine

Would you eat a spoonful of baking soda for a pre-race meal? Taking sodium bicarbonate–commonly known as baking soda–ahead of competition has become a popular hack for enhancing performance. The supplement helps clear muscle acidity that builds up during high-intensity exercise, delaying fatigue and that “burning” sensation and allowing an athlete to sustain an intense effort for longer. This leaves some runners wondering: shouldn’t this performance-enhancing supplement be banned?

Maurten’s safe system
Over the past year, Swedish sports fuel company Maurten’s Bicarb System has taken off in popularity; it was reportedly the most popular supplement at the Paris 2024 Olympics. The Bicarb System provides the performance benefits of baking soda without the stress on the stomach; taking straight baking soda can result in include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and the sudden and urgent need for a bowel movement. Now, with minimal risk of undesired results, elite athletes aren’t hesitating to take advantage of this performance enhancer.

Should it be banned?
Users online are attributing recent progress in elite running performances to baking soda. “It is turning pedestrian 800m runners into world-[record] beaters,” one person wrote. “The sub-elites that I know that use it say it basically eliminates what holds them back, [and] they just reach their full mechanical potential. Unbelievable [that] this is allowed.” Caffeine and beet juice are both proven to boost performance, but aren’t banned–in fact, they are recommended. Baking soda is no different–it’s just finally safe to consume. Users flooded the comments with humorous and sarcastic responses. “It also won’t be banned because how would it be tested?” one comment read. “It’s in food. Would there be a two muffin per day limit?” “I believe they are banning carbo loading soon too,” the comments continued. “The solution is clear,” one user wrote. “Anti-doping agencies must raid bakeries immediately [and] should test for pre-race biscuit consumption. WADA must consider banning all athletes who have ever eaten a muffin. It’s time to clean up our sport. Ban pretzels. Save the future of running!”

Performance-enhancing–but at what cost?
Straight baking soda is very affordable–you’ll only need two to three teaspoons per dose, which costs about $0.08. It has the potential to improve your race performance by one to three per cent–that is, if you time everything right and your stomach agrees. Most sources recommend taking it 60 to 180 minutes ahead of competition. But mistiming your intake could set you up for failure on race day. The Bicarb system can boost your run without the risk of ruining your race day goals, but it will make quite a dent in your bank account. The Maurten product costs C$95 for four servings–equal to about C$24 per race.

If you want to give one of the two methods a shot, play it safe and try it during a workout instead, to avoid derailing your race. No need to rush with your trial run–this performance-enhancer won’t be banned any sooner than your morning coffee or mid-race gels.





Photos This Week

Mar 5 Rocks!! Wednesday pm run with Ania and Shelley

Mar 5 Moonlight Trail

Mar 6 Perch Lake Trail

Mar 6 Perch Lake Trail

Mar 6 Perch Lake Trail

Mar 6 Moonlight Trail

Mar 6 Perch Lake Trail

Mar 7 Perch Lake Trail

Mar 7 Perch Lake Trail


Mar 7 Perch Lake Trail

Mar 7 Perch Lake Trail

Mar 7 Perch Lake Trail

Mar 8 Rocks!! Saturday am run


Mar 8


Mar 8

Mar 8 Fourth Ave

Mar 8 Fourth Ave

Mar 8 Fourth Ave

Mar 9 Cemetery

Mar 10 Perch Lake

Mar 10 Perch Lake Trail

Mar 10 Perch Lake Trail











Upcoming Events









Run Club Update




Store News


Good afternoon Sudbury Runners and Walkers,



Cancelled until Further Notice

NOTE: There is a Wednesday pm group leaving the Apex Warrior gym On Loach's Rd. at 6pm








Track North and Laurentian XC News










For information call me.
Vincent Perdue

Proud sponsor of the Sudbury Rocks!!! Race-Run-Walk for the Health of it




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