18, 2021
In this Issue:
- SudburyROCKS!! Special Team
- Sara and Neil complete Virtual Birkie
- Change up your run with the Moneghetti
- Why do runners get night sweats?
- Photos This Week
- Upcoming Events;
Feb 28 Hypothermic Half Mar
27 Bush Pig Open, May 30 SudburyRocks!!!
Virtual Marathon
- Running Room Run Club
- Track North
SudburyROCKS!! Special

Mary Lou and Norm Trowell
In the spirit of Valentine's
Day we wanted to share a story about a lovely couple.
Mary Lou and Norm Trowell who are well known for
their participation in countless events and volunteerism
in our community. These days if they are not walking
in an event, they are volunteering at it. The Northern
Cancer Foundation has appreciated their support
and participation at many events throughout the
Here is their story:
My husband Norm(76) and I (74) started running regularly
in our 20s – Norm to keep in shape for his
field work in the summer as a geologist; me as “me
time” away from 2 growing children. Norm had
been a cross country runner in high school and he
graduated to running longer distances and eventually
marathons. As running and running events became
more popular we started participating more –
Norm in ‘Around the Bay’, the ‘Wang
Marathon’, ‘High Park Spring Run Off’
and me in smaller events. Over the years we continued
running until we eventually became walkers in our
older age – we have participated in events
like the ‘Sudbury Rocks Half Marathon’
(although we have usually volunteered for this one),
the ‘Massey Half Marathon’, the ‘Army
Half Marathon’, ‘Mississauga Half Marathon’
(great chance to visit grandsons), ‘POGO Run’
for Women (do this one with my daughter) , the ‘Haunted
Hustle’, ‘Sudbury Masters’, ‘Ottawa
Marathon’ (father-daughter event), and the
‘Hypothermic Half Marathon’ in Sudbury,
This is just to name a few, the list goes on. Norm
has run 7 marathons, run/walked 97 half-marathons
and I have run 1 marathon and walked about 75 half-marathons.
Running and walking has kept us young (we think)
and in these times of the pandemic – sane.
We love the outdoors – we generally don’t
walk together as we walk at different paces just
as we ran at different paces but we share the passion
for the activity – a gift that our children
have embraced – and the desire to stay physically
active. Also, most of the events we have participated
in have had charities attached to them that benefit
from our participation-like the SudburyROCKS!!!
Marathon that supports the Northern Cancer Foundation.
- Mary Lou Trowell – Walker Half Marathon
Sara and Neil complete
Virtual Birkie
Most women like traditional
gifts on Valentines Day. Not me, I asked Neil Phipps to
be my partner for a pretty long ski date instead. I signed
him up for the Virtual Birkie race as part of Team ‘No
Gorbys’ along with Peter and Komrade Konye Konrad
Wiltmann. Skiing it today also qualified us for the XCSO
Ski Your Heart Out Challenge.
This was Neil’s longest ski ever, and he had no
issue keeping up. A few more snack breaks than I usually
take, and only 3 violations for following too closely,
But we still make a good team on snow and off snow.
Happy Valentines Day Neil! We found each other on the
ski trails, so it couldn’t have been more perfect
than to spend this day skiing long together.
When are we doing the next 55k Neil
up your run with the Moneghetti Fartlek
This quick workout is a great way to inject some speed into
your run and can be adapted to suit all ability levels
If you’re looking to
add something different into your running routine, look
no further than the Moneghetti Fartlek. Named after the
famous Australian distance runner Steve Moneghetti (who
owns an impressive marathon PB of 2:08:16), this workout
is a fun way to inject some speed into your run. Although
it was originally designed to be completed on the track,
it can be done on any continuous loop. It is also highly
adaptable to all ability levels, making it a great workout
when you’re just getting back into training, as
well as a good test of your fitness later in your program.
Best of all, the session can be completed in under an
hour, making it the perfect way to get in a good quality
workout when you’re short on time.
As with any workout, you should begin
the session with a warmup that is ideally at least 10
minutes long, and end the session with a cooldown of equal
length. The main portion of the workout is as follows:
2 x 90 seconds effort
/ 90 seconds recovery between each interval
4 x 60 seconds effort / 60 seconds recovery between each
4 x 30 seconds effort / 30 seconds recovery between each
4 x 15 seconds effort / 15 seconds recovery between each
The goal for the workout
is to run the ‘effort’ portions at your 5K
pace and to progress to a faster pace as the intervals
get shorter, if you’re able. It is during the recovery
portion that you can adjust the workout to match your
ability or change the workout from being speed-focused
to acting as more of a broken tempo run. Recovery options
are as follows.
Walking recovery: this will
make the workout easier if you are a newer running or
getting back into workouts after time off.
Easy jog recovery: this pace
is still significantly slower than your interval pace,
which makes it a good option if you need more recovery
between hard efforts. Alternatively, you could use an
easy jog as your recovery so that you have more in the
tank to run the intervals at an even faster pace.
Race pace recovery: this
means running at your marathon or half-marathon race pace.
It should be quicker than an easy jog, and will up the
intensity of the workout.
Moderate recovery: this pace
should be only slightly slower than your interval speed,
somewhere between 5K and 10K pace. By using this recovery
method, you can turn the workout into a higher-intensity
tempo run, or use it as a fitness test later on in your
As we said, this workout
is a great option to spice up your running routine, no
matter what your ability level is. We can’t guarantee
it’ll turn you into a 2:08 marathoner, but it can
help you bust out of a rut and inject a little fun into
your training plan.
Why do
runners get night sweats?
If you're waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat,
your new training program could be the reason
With the virtual race calendar
filling up (and a few hopefully in-person events on the
schedule) you may have started to increase your mileage
in preparation for your next big race. As your volume
and intensity have been going up, you might have noticed
a weird side-effect: night sweats. While night sweats
are a fairly common issue that runners deal with, we often
don’t talk about them because we tend to chalk them
up to something else (like menopause, our room being too
warm, etc.) rather than our running. If you are consistently
waking up in the middle of the night because you’re
over-heating, it’s time to look at your training
as the possible culprit.
While there can be underlying
medical reasons why someone is routinely waking up drenched
in sweat in the middle of the night, if it coincides with
an increase in your running volume, this change in training
is likely the reason. Night sweats associated with changes
in fitness aren’t typically cause for concern, but
they can be very uncomfortable and can interrupt the precious
sleep you need for recovery.
There are a number of reasons
why your increase in training is giving you night sweats,
including changes in your metabolism. Normally, your body
temperature drops slightly right before you go to bed
to help promote sleep. High-intensity physical activity
can speed up your metabolism, which can raise your body
temperature before you go to sleep, so you eventually
wake up sweating. If you do most of your training later
in the evening, you may also be more likely to have night
sweats because you are raising your body temperature before
hitting the hay. Another possibility is that your thyroid
is releasing more hormones to help fuel your increase
in activity, and night sweats are a side-effect.
Night sweats can also be
a sign that you are either over-training and/or under-fuelling,
both of which can affect your athletic performance and
your overall health. If you aren’t taking in enough
calories and nutrition to support your increase in training,
your blood sugar could drop and you could experience hypoglycemia,
which can result in sweating at night.
How can you prevent
night sweats?
If you’ve started having night sweats, it doesn’t
mean you have to give up training, as long as other symptoms
of overtraining (like injuries, illness, or mood changes)
aren’t also present. If you’ve recently increased
your training volume, it is likely that your body just
needs time to adapt to the heavier load, at which point
your night sweats will likely subside. In the meantime,
there are a few things you can do so they’re less
of a problem.
Change your sleepwear:
you may want to switch to something made of a
moisture-wicking material for your sleepwear, sheets,
blankets and pillows. There is bedding available designed
specifically for people who struggle with night sweats,
and while they won’t necessarily stop them from
happening, they can make you more comfortable in the process.
Run (and eat) earlier:
we hate to break it to all the night runners
out there, but if you tend to run late in the evening,
and subsequently eat late as well, you may have to run
earlier in the day to avoid night sweats. If that’s
not possible, avoid eating high-glycemic carbs (like white
rice, white pasta, or potatoes) late in the evening, which
can spike your blood sugar post-run and cause you to wake
up in a sweat.
Try a magnesium supplement:
studies have shown that a magnesium supplement is effective
at reducing hot flashes for women experiencing menopause,
and it can help reduce night sweats in runners, too. Magnesium
comes with other benefits as well, such as helping to
regulate muscle and nerve function (goodbye, muscle cramps!)
and improving your sleep. If supplements aren’t
your thing, there are plenty of food source of magnesium,
including pumpkin seeds, beet greens, cashews, dried prunes,
white beans, avocados, almonds, chickpeas, edamame and
dark chocolate. If you choose to take a supplement, talk
to your doctor first.
Photos This Week

Liz at Windy Lake

Feb 10 Fourth Ave crow

Feb 11 Ida St. Pine Grosbeaks

Feb 12 Moonlight trail

Feb 12 Moonlight trail at -23 deg.

Feb 24 Moonlight trail

Feb 14 Amber in Attawapiskat |
Local Events
SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon

Store News
Good afternoon Sudbury Runners and Walkers,
We have FREE run club
Wednesday nights at 6pm and Sunday mornings at 8:30am.
until Further Notice
North News - by Dick
Moss |
Dick Moss, Head Coach
Laurentian XC/Track Team
c/o Coach Moss <pedigest@cyberbeach.net>
Web: http://laurentianxctrack.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/laurentianxctrack/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@luxctrack
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurentianxctrack/
information call me.
Vincent Perdue
sponsor of the Sudbury Rocks!!! Race-Run-Walk for the Health of it