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      Hello Everyone,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            July 16, 2020        

     In this Issue:


  1. SPECIAL NOTICE - SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon has Gone Virtual
  2. Run for the Cure has Gone Virtual for 2020
  3. Time’s Arrow: Reflections on a Life in Running Shoes
  4. Trail Talk - Episode 6
  5. Photos This Week
  6. Upcoming Events July 1 - 31 New Virtual Conquer the Crater, Aug 1 - Aug 31 Sudbury Camino
  7. Running Room Run Club Update: 
  8. Track North







Please read all the letter here

Take care and stay healthy.
Thank you,
SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon Organizing Committee








Run for the Cure has Gone Virtual for 2020


Physical distancing is the reality for the foreseeable future, and so we are reimagining the CIBC Run for the Cure. As October 4 approaches, we are developing an exciting virtual experience. Our plans include all the best things about Run Day: Connecting with your teammates, an inspirational opening ceremony, and a high-energy warm-up. As well, you’ll be able to create and customize your own CIBC Run for the Cure avatar, fundraise to unlock rewards, and track your steps through our refreshed app or the Run website. We’ll organize the fun online and you’ll have the option to bring together a small group of family and friends to run or walk around your neighbourhood as part of your at-home celebration.

Watch this space for exciting details about our new way of gathering. Being physically apart won't stop us from coming together. Please sign up, fundraise and join us on Run Day because together, we are a force-for-life in the face of breast cancer.

All Information and Registration Here








Time’s Arrow: Reflections on a Life in Running Shoes
By John Smallwood - July 3, 2020


John Smallwood

“Time’s arrow neither stands still or reverses. It merely marches forward.”



A week or so ago, I turned 75, the same age George Sheehan, the great advocate for running was when he died of cancer. Numbers tend to take over in life, for those of us who are in our dotage, and for runners who are driven, relentlessly, by data.

For me, a runner of, now, 50 years, numbers are less important than in the past although I’ve already mentioned them twice in relation to my age. As a journeyman runner, and now a hobbyist, numbers have been the be-all and end-all, but they can also drive runners and their aspirations into the ground.

In my 40s, I ran a 2:46 in Detroit, placed 6th in Boston in my age group in my 60s and ran a 23 and change in a 5k Mothers’ Day Run a year or so ago here in Ontario where I live. Again, numbers, always numbers. Runners aspire to the exceptional no matter how modest their previous achievements.

This morning I ran my standard 10k. My legs seemed a little heavy, I could hear my breathing without listening for it, and I felt no real urge to “pick it up.” Part of the reason for this is likely the fact that I’ve begun to leave my watch at home. Occasionally, I’ll try to turn in a quicker (a relative term for a 75-year-old) mile to end a run, but I’m simply happy to be outside, doing something rather than watching others doing something on tv. I admire professional athletes, of course, their training, their gracefulness, their ruthless efficiency, but for me and as one with little coordination, what others do, apart from their breaking records during the Olympics or winning medals, has little real meaning. Those victories are important for the moment, but I’m going for the long game, one that has lasted for decades.

For some time now, running has appealed to me on aesthetic grounds. My slower performance times have given me another way of seeing running. True, running has stood me in good stead as my teaching, writing, and efforts to be of help to a disastrously ill wife have all benefited from running. I’ve made full and constant use of the state (endorphia?) in which solutions to life’s dilemmas surface from out of nowhere mid-run. Now when I’m running, I’m not necessarily thinking about running. The activity is a catalyst, one that brings about other unexpected possibilities and responses that I can use in dealing with everyday issues, my writing, my relationships with others.

Back in the day, I looked for windless days, optimum temperatures, flat roads, benign traffic, perfect solitude. Today, I rejoice in the opposite: winds, challenging weather, hills, and dozens of drivers who wave at me, a codger plodding along, one they’ve seen for decades. Hitting the wind head-on during winter storms, maintaining some kind of momentum on hills I’ve run for years, dressing appropriately for whatever the weather—all of this has given me a different taste for running and a rationale for continuing my morning routine.

Yes, I’ve been lucky. I’ve had injuries over the years, but because I’ve been at or slightly below my optimum weight, with a little rest and patience, the minor tears and pains have gone away over time and are for the most part, only vague memories. I’m also fortunate to run in a community of runners. A few years ago my town of 8,000 had eight runners in Boston, and runners I’ve coached and run with over the years are always friendly and willing to chat briefly, of course.

Running, possibly because it’s one of the most elemental sports—a singlet, shorts, shoes—holds a particular appeal for such simple reasons. Other sports, and numbers-driven runners, with their gadgets and gizmos, interject things between athlete and activity, and this is another reason why running continues to appeal to me. I let the body take over, as runners often do, and the mind is free to do its own touring, randomly picking up and disclosing ideas and impressions that are as recent as today or nearly as aged as I am, all of them making up my morning ritual outside.

I’ve run in North America and Europe, and in those early morning runs, I’ve met thousands of runners of all ages. They are in the memory banks as I run my familiar routes virtually every morning of the year. You see, runners (and joggers) have a respect for one another. They wave in the ways that members of any sect, secretive or otherwise, do. They admire others for simply being out there, wherever “there” is, be it on trails, tracks, or streets.

Most runners do so on their own because no two runners are ever traveling at the same pace, and the pace will differ in the course of the run. Runners are not herd animals; they enjoy other runners, but the real joy comes in the feeling that they were made for this activity, that the wind, road, sun, cloud—whatever is out there—is part of the day’s experience that taken collectively over time becomes more than the individual run or race however memorable that event was at the time. For such reasons, running is an intensely personal thing, one that engages body, mind, and environment in singular ways that are both familiar and unique on every occasion.

I’ll miss running when it comes to an end as it inevitably will. I’ll miss the dawn on the river, the moon over the harbour, the old houses, the novice runners, the everyday things that lie beyond the numbers game and make running such a supreme pleasure. My watch now stays at home most mornings. I’m not fixated by numbers as I know daily how time’s arrow will eventually end its flight. For now, it’s enough to ride the arrow, to stay out in front of it, to think about how privileged I am to still be out on the roads while many of my peers agonize over weather reports and watch others do what the spectators can only dream of doing.





Trail Talk

Episode 6 - Creation? Evolution? 3D

by Darren Kleven


This, along with Episodes 4 and 5 is part of a cheeky provacative but hopefully thought provoking and conversation provoking examination of Conversations about God. It runs about 13.5 minutes






Photos This Week


Neil advertising (unknowingly)


Next photos are Laurentian Lake in the rain and Moonlight in the sun

By Vince (broken camera replaced)




Laurentian Lake

Moonlight Trail

Ramsey Lake Loons

Ramsey Lake Loons

Loon Family (Killarney area?) submitted by Colin Ward

sunset/rise? submitted by Colin Ward

Photo of Moonlight trail bridge and words of wisdom by Darren Kleven











Upcoming Local Events


 July 1, 2020

Race 2 - July 1-8
6km / 12km / 25km
No course will be marked out, run any trail of your choice and upload results!


Who is excited for our next trail run!?




 July 1 - 31, 2020


Conquer the Crater Virtual Challenge & Triathlon
2020 has thrown us some curveballs, but we're ready to face the challenges head on.

Virtual Challenge - July 1-31

Throughout the month, you are encouraged to log all of your running, biking and swimming miles (1.6km for every mile).
Registration comes in two options that depend on how you want your recognition: Physical and Virtual.
Physical Recognition is $55, and we will mail you recognition of the completion of your challenge.
Virtual Recognition is $25, and we will email you a virtual medal and certificate for you to share on social media.

Virtual Triathlon - July 23-28

During this time, you can pick the event you are interested in competing in (Triathlon, Short Triathlon, Duathlon, and Short Duathlon)
and run/bike/swim the event as many times as you want.
Your best time in each section counts toward your final total time.
As with the Virtual Challenge, recognition will be available both physically and virtually.
Physical Recognition is $55,and we will mail you recognition of the completion of your race (a.k.a. a pair of really cool socks).
Virtual Recognition is $25, and we will email you a virtual medal and certificate for you to share on social media.

Thank you.

All Info and Registration here






Our annual summer event is back, with a new format to engage hikers and walkers while respecting social distancing rules!
Challenge yourself this summer by joining us for a unique event being held in the spirit of the annual Sudbury Camino, and experience Sudbury in a whole new way.

This on-foot journey will be taking place in the month of August, from Aug. 1st to Aug. 31st, 2020, and invites you to explore our community's compelling urban landscape and breathtaking natural surroundings!

Visit www.rainbowroutes.com/sudbury-camino-2020 to register for this free community event today or at any point throughout the month of August to join in on the adventure!







Given the current situation related to COVID-19, the SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon organizing committee has decided to postpone our race. The new date for the 2020 SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon will be Sunday, October 25th. We know this news may be disappointing to you and for that we are very sorry, however we recognize this is the right thing to do at this time.
We are still encouraging participants and the public to register for the 2020 SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon and to support our beneficiary the Northern Cancer Foundation by collecting pledges. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
If you have any questions please feel free to connect with Elizabeth Taillefer at the Northern Cancer Foundation by email at etaillefer@hsnsudbury.ca or by calling 705.523.4673.
The organizing committee will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and keep our participants and friends up to date.
Please take care and stay healthy.
Thank you,
SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon
Organizing Committee








Run Club Update




Store News


Good afternoon Sudbury Runners and Walkers,


We have FREE run club Wednesday nights at 6pm and Sunday mornings at 8:30am.








Track North News - by Dick Moss





Dick Moss



Dick Moss, Head Coach
Laurentian XC/Track Team
c/o Coach Moss <pedigest@cyberbeach.net>
Web: http://laurentianxctrack.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/laurentianxctrack/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@luxctrack
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurentianxctrack/




For information call me.
Vincent Perdue

Proud sponsor of the Sudbury Rocks!!! Race-Run-Walk for the Health of it




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