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      Hello Everyone,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            June 18, 2020        

     In this Issue:


  1. My Self Isolation 100 Miles and More
  2. Personal Best: Take that, COVID-19! Sudbury’s A Great Canadian Running Challenge supports all athletes, Terry Fox Foundation
  3. Photos This Week
  4. Upcoming Events , July 1 Apex warrior Virtual Race Series, SudburyRocks!!! MOVED to OCT 25
  5. Running Room Run Club Update: 
  6. Track North





My Self Isolation 100 Miles and More


Liz Schweyer Completes First 100 Miler

All Photos Here

35 hours and 21 minutes, 161.50 kilometres (100 miles) and almost $6,000 raised for the Northern Cancer Foundation! While my feet had a blister party, my mind and body felt strong!

To my tribe! I am one lucky girl to call all of you my friends. I could not have survived 34 hours without you. You helped me get through the blisters, the night and this long journey, kept me smiling and had amazing conversations and fun along the way! Saw a bear, a deer, a large snapping turtle (which I think it grew every time I described it lol) a baby beaver, a bunny and a snake.

To family that came to the finish line that helped give me the extra push I needed to finish strong!

Thank you to everyone who supported me by donating to the NCF, who brought me fuel (treats and snacks) and encouragement!

There is still time to support https://www.ncfsudbury.com/…/lizs-self-isolation-100-and-m…/


We did it 100 miles! Thank you. I could not have done it alone!



Going the distance: Cancer foundation staffer runs 100 miles at Kivi Park, raises $6K
Mary-Elizabeth Schweyer loves running ultra-marathons, and when her summer races were cancelled, she decided to run one by herself for a good cause
by Heidi Ulrichsen Sudbury.com

Mary-Elizabeth Schweyer has really gone the distance for the Northern Cancer Foundation — literally.

Over the weekend, she ran 100 miles (that’s about 161 kilometres) in Kivi Park, raising nearly $6,000 for the foundation.

Schweyer, who’s manager of events and marketing with the Northern Cancer Foundation, took 35 hours and 21 minutes to accomplish her goal. She started her run at 5:11 a.m. Saturday, and finished at 4:32 p.m. Sunday.

The mother of two young girls explains that she loves running ultramarathons, but the two events she had planned to enter this summer were cancelled due to COVID-19.

That includes the Mad Trapper Backyard Ultra, which was supposed to take place this coming weekend in Gatineau, Que.

Schweyer explains this is actually a “death race,” or one without a predetermined end. The winner is the last person running.

She was planning to run 100 miles in that race, which is how she chose her distance for the Northern Cancer Foundation fundraiser.

Speaking to Sudbury.com on Monday, Schweyer said her muscles were pretty sore and her feet blistered, but other than that, she was doing OK.

During her run, she always had at least one other runner along with her for safety reasons — some people actually start to hallucinate after running for so many hours — although there were only a few people on site at the park at one time.

Many members of Sudbury’s running community kept her company, along with family and friends. Her young daughters even ran a few kilometres with her.

She said her mind and body stayed strong throughout her run. If it weren’t for the blisters that formed on her feet after about 50 kilometres, she figures she would have finished much faster.

“For me, distance does not scare me at all,” she said. “I know my body can do it. I’m really determined in my mind with running.”

Schweyer said she would run for an hour along some of the less technical trails in Kivi Park, and then spend a few minutes in the aid tent, where she would eat and a volunteer would check on her battered feet, which they tended to with bandages and duct tape.

During the run, “we actually saw a bear, a deer, a bunny, a big snapping turtle and a snake … which is amazing because I’ve never seen any wildlife there when I’m there,” she said. “It’s neat to see that throughout the day.”

She said she’s extremely proud of completing the 100-mile run. The longest race she’d done previously was 100 kilometres.

“I’m really, really happy I got to do it,” Schweyer said. “You know what? As hard as it was to have those races cancelled, it almost meant more to me to be able to do it here with my family and friends and in my hometown.

“We don’t have any ultras here in Sudbury. They don’t get to experience that with me. So it was nice to have them there and see me finish and be able to soak it in with me. Usually just me either by myself, or with my one friend. It was extremely, extremely special for me to do it here.”

In case you’re impressed with Schweyer’s accomplishment and would like to donate to the Northern Cancer Foundation in her name,

visit this page on the cancer foundation’s website.






Personal Best: Take that, COVID-19! Sudbury’s A Great Canadian Running Challenge supports all athletes, Terry Fox Foundation

Laura Young For The Sudbury Star
June 15, 2020

All right, so that only took since March. Here’s a happy sports story.

When 2020 rolled around, A Great Canadian Running Challenge, which is based in Sudbury, was riding the New Year’s Resolution bandwagon.

On Boxing Day 2019, Jeannette Boudreau, who founded the challenge in 2018, posted a goal to get Canadians to run or walk 1,000 kilometres in 2020.

“Within three weeks, we went from 250 to a group of 5,000 people. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know if it was because it’s 2020 and people want a fresh start,” says the Sudbury Grade 1 teacher, mother of three and avid runner.

In early January, there were just over 5,800 registrants.

Then COVID-19 came to Canada. Now, there are 6,800 registrants with about 2,000 people from across Canada posting regularly and over 5,000 people on the Facebook page.

As the world shut down, Boudreau moderated the posts on the group’s Facebook page and felt the despair. She recalls how the postings were sad, with the runners saying they couldn’t do this anymore, that they were afraid to go out.

“I knew that we could run and walk still, because nothing was shut down outside. We still had to have our social distancing.”

She thought the pandemic presented an opportunity and the time to walk or run.

“This is the best time for people to refocus on their health, instead of getting depressed and discouraged because of the COVID.”

She posted the 100K for April challenge, which recharged and motivated everyone to keep going forward, instead of falling back, she says.

There was clamouring for a May challenge, but Boudreau needed a month off.

She does all the work in her free time. She orders medals, deals with the website, answers emails, and mails out the swag for what is now a registered small business.

For June, she launched the 150K challenge; there is a 100-kilometre option. There are 250 paid entrants. Part of that challenge includes a donation to the Terry Fox Foundation. There are medals and prizes to motivate people, she says.


Jeannette Boudreau is challenging Canadians to move. So far, they have raised $1,400 for the Terry Fox Foundation. PHOTO SUPPLIED


“I know what I’m doing now. It’s a little bit easier. Everyone who finishes the challenge gets a certificate and a personalized email. I really want it to be personalized. I just feel like it’s acknowledging their work. It makes people more motivated.”

Whenever someone finishes a challenge, she also donates $1 to the Terry Fox Foundation.

“That is what my group is about.”

So far, they have donated about $1,400.

She has always admired Fox and wants to keep his memory alive.

“Sometimes, when I don’t feel like running, I think about how he ran in rain and (with) his bleeding leg. If he could do it, we can do it, we can do anything.”

Linda McCosham is a local runner who had all her spring races cancelled.

“I needed a way to keep myself motivated and found My Time, A Great Canadian Running Challenge,” she says.

She recently reached the 1,000-kilometre milestone.

“Jeanette has worked hard to create the group, keep it going and make improvements. Membership has increased dramatically this year, and it’s fun to see people’s posts from across the country. Members are encouraging and supportive of each other. I’ll be registering for 2021 and beyond.”

Boudreau wants to help people get healthy and motivated.

“I feel blessed. It’s my dream come true,” she says. “I love that it’s here in Sudbury I would love to see more people from Sudbury get involved.”

The challenge is straightforward: runners, joggers or walkers — all register, then put in their kilometres and log regularly on the Google forms. For the June challenge, each check-in automatically enters the athlete into a draw.

Participants are also strongly encouraged to share their updates with the highly supportive people in the Facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/agreatcanadianrunningchallenge.

She wants to keep the page’s postings positive and only about health and fitness. She wants it to be a safe place for people.

If the 1,000 kilometre challenge seems too daunting, there is also a 500K, she adds. There are two options on the main page, www.agreatcanadianrunningchallenge.ca/register.

“I love that it’s attracting every type of person, every type of runner. People are starting to walk. It’s amazing to me.”

Laura Young’s column, Personal Best, runs regularly in The Sudbury Star.





Photos This Week

Remembering Charlie

Moonlight lookout

Moonlight pond

Moonlight resident










Upcoming Local Events


 July 1, 2020

Race 2 - July 1-8
6km / 12km / 25km
No course will be marked out, run any trail of your choice and upload results!







Given the current situation related to COVID-19, the SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon organizing committee has decided to postpone our race. The new date for the 2020 SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon will be Sunday, October 25th. We know this news may be disappointing to you and for that we are very sorry, however we recognize this is the right thing to do at this time.
We are still encouraging participants and the public to register for the 2020 SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon and to support our beneficiary the Northern Cancer Foundation by collecting pledges. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
If you have any questions please feel free to connect with Elizabeth Taillefer at the Northern Cancer Foundation by email at etaillefer@hsnsudbury.ca or by calling 705.523.4673.
The organizing committee will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and keep our participants and friends up to date.
Please take care and stay healthy.
Thank you,
SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon
Organizing Committee








Run Club Update




Store News


Good afternoon Sudbury Runners and Walkers,


We have FREE run club Wednesday nights at 6pm and Sunday mornings at 8:30am.








Track North News - by Dick Moss





Dick Moss



Dick Moss, Head Coach
Laurentian XC/Track Team
c/o Coach Moss <pedigest@cyberbeach.net>
Web: http://laurentianxctrack.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/laurentianxctrack/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@luxctrack
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurentianxctrack/




For information call me.
Vincent Perdue

Proud sponsor of the Sudbury Rocks!!! Race-Run-Walk for the Health of it




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