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      Hello Everyone,                                                                                                                                                                                                         April 16, 2020        

     In this Issue:


  1. GSPS Officers Show Support to HSN Workers April 8
  2. Running outside is a tenuous gift. Eight things every runner must practice to stop making non-runners so mad.
  3. On Venturing Out
  4. Photos This Week
  5. Upcoming Events NEW VIRTUAL May 24 Apex Dash, SudburyRocks!!! MOVED to OCT 25
  6. Running Room Run Club Update: 
  7. Track North





GSPS Officers Show Support to HSN Workers April 8




A touching moment at HSN tonight! GSPS officers came to HSN to show their support and solidarity to workers, by coming onto the campus with waves of five marked cruisers. HSN appreciates all the love and support shown by the community during these extraordinary times.







Running outside is a tenuous gift. Eight things every runner must practice to stop making non-runners so mad.
By Ben Kaplan - April 9, 2020

Liz Schweyer

A backlash against runners is building and it’s essential we all practice common courtesy and advanced precaution or else, like we’ve seen in France, Italy and Spain, our right to run outdoors will be taken away. We bother civilians when we close their roads and they laugh at us in our tight florescent clothing. These eight things, practiced by each of us, will help us maintain something that, at least for me, is very central in keeping me sane. “We’re all in this together,” everyone keeps saying: so let’s us runners protect this, or else we’re going to be cooped up—without end—inside. (Plus, no one wants beans thrown at them, right?)

8. No running in groups. And this is serious. And people are watching. Three people from my run club were out together and someone called the store to complain. You have to do this alone right now, or with one other person—at a distance. Big groups of runners will be ticketed, or worse: They’ll ruin things for everyone else.

7. Stay away from walkers. I’m guilty of this all the time, and I’m training myself to get better. It’s not cool to bare down on a walker and narrowly miss hitting them, just to avoid breaking stride. As bikes don’t belong on the sidewalks, unfortunately, right now, assume the same goes for runners.

6. Don’t spit. Right now, spit is assumed to be lethal. In the best circumstances, it’s gross (although certainly understandable at a race, or even a hard workout). But these are the sort of things that civilians are looking for, and if we’re pegged as out-of-control spitters, we will be vilified and even, perhaps, shut down.

5. When running a virtual race, don’t run the race course. It would be wicked, of course, to race Around the Bay on the actual legendary hills, but we can’t do it because it would invite a crowd. If you must, try it before 6 a.m. or after 10:30 p.m., when you know no one else will be out. We have got to practice social distancing while long distancing (besides, do you really want to run those Around the Bay hills without your time winding up on Sportstats?)

4. Take it slow. The last thing we want is runners getting injured, winding up in the hospital, and adding a drain on the system. If you’ve never done speed work or 20 kilometres at once, don’t do it now. Get some air. Get some exercise. But you don’t have to go crazy. Pace yourself. COVID-19 is a marathon. And we know from marathons, right?

3. Forget the high five. And don’t share water bottles. And wash your hands when you get home. (But now I just sound like your mother).

2. It’s not more imperative for a runner to wear a mask than anyone else. And this is the controversy we’re all currently embracing. André Picard told me we don’t necessarily need to wear a mask when running. If you want to wear it, wear it. If not—at least according to Canada’s most in the know journalist, a runner and a 25-time marathon finisher—that’s fine.

1. Smile at the people you encounter. What civilians will think of runners is however we behave towards them right now. If we’re courteous, respectful, patient and sane; if we’re generous, watchful, alert and calm; if we’re approachable, solo, composed and self-contained, then we’ll be able to run outside, no matter how long this lasts. And we won’t have a country of non-runners who call us joggers thinking we’re jerks.

    One more thing. Don't go into a prohibited area.

Closed access to Laurantian U.





On Venturing Out

by Ashley Hayes

This is me heading out for groceries.

I do not wear a mask (because I am always aware of where my hands are... I won't be touching my face), I am not wearing gloves (because they are false reassurance & spread more germs). I am bringing a small ziplock bag with some disinfecting wipes for my shopping cart, to wipe off my credit card after use, car door handle & cell phone if I touch it. I also keep a bottle of sanitizer with me or at least in my vehicle. If I will be touching the freezer/fridge doors at a grocery store, I disinfect my hands after I have touched each handle. Keeping my own hands clean & to avoid potentially spreading the virus. I also wash my produce immediately when I get home & wipe down my groceries with a disinfecting wipe.

You DO NOT need to wear an N95 mask in public. Those are STRICTLY for health care professionals in close/prolonged contact with patients or during procedures that cause aerosolized virus particles. You can wear a simple face mask if you are worried about touching your face. It is not useful for anything other than that in public if you are practicing physical distancing.

You also DO NOT need a mask to go for a walk outside.

And please have patience in the stores. Those workers are putting themselves at risk every single day! Also respect their bubble... Give them space & respect their store policies.
Stay safe & aware friends!






Photos This Week

(to soothe the soul)

Mary Waddell at Kukagami Lake

Vince at Laurentian Lake trails












Upcoming Local Events

 May 24, 2020

We made the hard decision to change the Apex Trail Race series to virtual. Your safety, and health is our biggest concern. With that in mind from the start date of the event we are giving everyone 7 days to race and enter their results. You create your own start time, and have the option to run your own course.

Race 1 - May 24-31
6km / 12km
We will have a course marked from the start looping around 6km. You have the choice to run this course or your own. Please choose to run trails as this is a trail running race.
For the 12km racers complete 2 laps

Race 2 - July 1-8
6km / 12km / 25km
No course will be marked out, run any trail of your choice and upload results!

Race 3 Sept 20-27
6km / 12km / 25km / 50km
A 6km course will be marked out, complete 2 laps for the 12km. More info to come for longer distance courses.

Register at www.apexwarrior.ca







Given the current situation related to COVID-19, the SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon organizing committee has decided to postpone our race. The new date for the 2020 SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon will be Sunday, October 25th. We know this news may be disappointing to you and for that we are very sorry, however we recognize this is the right thing to do at this time.
We are still encouraging participants and the public to register for the 2020 SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon and to support our beneficiary the Northern Cancer Foundation by collecting pledges. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
If you have any questions please feel free to connect with Elizabeth Taillefer at the Northern Cancer Foundation by email at etaillefer@hsnsudbury.ca or by calling 705.523.4673.
The organizing committee will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and keep our participants and friends up to date.
Please take care and stay healthy.
Thank you,
SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon
Organizing Committee












Run Club Update




Store News


Good afternoon Sudbury Runners and Walkers,


We have FREE run club Wednesday nights at 6pm and Sunday mornings at 8:30am.

We made the hard decision to change the Apex Trail Race series to virtual. Your safety, and health is our biggest concern. With that in mind from the start date of the event we are giving everyone 7 days to race and enter their results. You create your own start time, and have the option to run your own course.

Race 1 - May 24-31
6km / 12km
We will have a course marked from the start looping around 6km. You have the choice to run this course or your own. Please choose to run trails as this is a trail running race.
For the 12km racers complete 2 laps

Race 2 - July 1-8
6km / 12km / 25km
No course will be marked out, run any trail of your choice and upload results!

Race 3 Sept 20-27
6km / 12km / 25km / 50km
A 6km course will be marked out, complete 2 laps for the 12km. More info to come for longer distance courses.

Register at www.apexwarrior.ca







Track North News - by Dick Moss





Dick Moss






Dick Moss, Head Coach
Laurentian XC/Track Team
c/o Coach Moss <pedigest@cyberbeach.net>
Web: http://laurentianxctrack.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/laurentianxctrack/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@luxctrack
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurentianxctrack/




For information call me.
Vincent Perdue

Proud sponsor of the Sudbury Rocks!!! Race-Run-Walk for the Health of it




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