Lise and Vince Perdue travel from Whitehorse to Tuktoyaktuk
on the Beaufort Sea
900 miles to the sea
Yukon river to Dawson
Dawson City
Turn north to Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk
Start of the Dempster highway
Approaching the Peel and Mackenzie watershed
Peel river crossing
Mackenzie River crossing
Inuvik Catholic Church
The new highway to Tuk
Made it to Tuk (pingo in the background)
Bucket list complete
Foot and hand in the Beaufort Sea
Northern terminus of the Trans Canada Trail
Our lodging for the night. Even had WiFi
Whitefish netted by Gwitchin father and daughter to feed their
13 dogs
5:30 am run in Tuk
Return on the Tuk
Return on the Dempster
Celebration In Dawson City with great piano music and a Lead
Dog (OK actually Prohibition 0% in a Lead Dog bottle to
keep up many appearances)