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      Hello Everyone,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            July 2, 2020        

     In this Issue:


  1. July 1 Apex Warrior Virtual Race Series #2 at Walden X Country Trails
  2. Conquer the Crater Virtual Challenge & Triathlon
  3. How Many Calories Are in a Pound? Well, It’s Complicated
  4. Photos This Week
  5. Upcoming Events , July 1 Apex warrior Virtual Race Series, July 1 - 31 New Virtual Conquer the Crater
  6. Running Room Run Club Update: 
  7. Track North





Apex Heart Race is Here July 1 - 8


Race 2 - July 1-8
6km / 12km / 25km



Who is excited for our next trail run!?

It’s coming up shortly so make sure you head over to https://www.apexwarrior.ca/trail-race-series to get registered. The last event was a hit so we are excited to present to our Race #2.

You can start anytime from July 1st until the 8th.

The location is at Walden Mountain Bike trails and it’s going to be fun. This will be great if you want to race, jog, or hike. The trails are beautiful this time of the year you don’t want to miss out.

Maps Here


July 1 Update

Organizer Dennis Legault (left) and others heading out for the 25-km distance

Ania, Friedi and Vince on the 12-km distance recharging

Ania, Vince and Friedi with 12-km complete with handmade medals by Dennis

An injured Helen practicing by hiking 12.5k. She plans to run soon

Ongoing Results Here


Race 2 - July 1-8
6km / 12km / 25km







Conquer the Crater Virtual Challenge & Triathlon
2020 has thrown us some curveballs, but we're ready to face the challenges head on.

Virtual Challenge - July 1-31

Throughout the month, you are encouraged to log all of your running, biking and swimming miles (1.6km for every mile).
Registration comes in two options that depend on how you want your recognition: Physical and Virtual.
Physical Recognition is $55, and we will mail you recognition of the completion of your challenge.
Virtual Recognition is $25, and we will email you a virtual medal and certificate for you to share on social media.

Virtual Triathlon - July 23-28

During this time, you can pick the event you are interested in competing in (Triathlon, Short Triathlon, Duathlon, and Short Duathlon)
and run/bike/swim the event as many times as you want.
Your best time in each section counts toward your final total time.
As with the Virtual Challenge, recognition will be available both physically and virtually.
Physical Recognition is $55,and we will mail you recognition of the completion of your race (a.k.a. a pair of really cool socks).
Virtual Recognition is $25, and we will email you a virtual medal and certificate for you to share on social media.

Thank you.

All Info and Registration here





How Many Calories Are in a Pound? Well, It’s Complicated
Here’s the story behind this popular weight loss myth.

JUN 18, 2020

You’ve probably heard at some point that it takes a roughly 3,500-calorie deficit between calories consumed and calories burned to produce a one-pound drop in body weight. This old chestnut is more than 60 years old and commonly cited in scientific literature. Problem is, it’s not exactly an accurate rule.

The 3,500-calorie rule dates back to 1958, when Max Washnofsky, M.D., wrote a paper in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluding “that 3,500 calories is the caloric value of one pound of body weight lost.”

The number was simple, stark, and capable of being reduced to 500 calories per day multiplied by seven days a week to total 3,500 calories per week, or one pound of weight loss per week. That’s why you also hear that healthy weight loss for the average person is about four to five pounds per month.

This all seemed logical and even doable, so the 3,500-calorie rule stuck, and prospered. Today, many conventional weight-loss plans still tout the 500-calories-a-day approach. This isn’t wrong—when oversimplified, weight loss can boiled down to calories in need to be less than calories out. But this approach won’t work in the long term.

The 3,500-calories rule is actually largely accurate if you’re burning a pound of flesh in a chemistry lab. However, the human body isn’t a lab, where you can isolate and analyze one factor at a time and weight loss doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Rather, the body is an organic whole, and has many reactions to changes in calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, metabolism, exercise, hydration, and hormones.

When you’re making a lifestyle change through diet, almost all these interrelated events conspire to lower your daily metabolic rate through a process known as “metabolic adaptation.” As a result, a daily deficit of 500 calories produces slightly less effect on each subsequent day. The difference isn’t big at first, but grows substantially with longer periods of time, producing just 50 percent of the expected weight loss over 12 months.

“The biggest flaw with the 500-calorie-rule is that it assumes weight loss will continue in a linear fashion over time,” says weight-change mathematician Kevin Hall, Ph.D. “That’s not the way the body responds. The body is a very dynamic system, and a change in one part of the system always produces changes in other parts.”

That’s why physiologists, nutritionists, and researchers have since emphasized that the 3,500-calorie-rule is an estimation that doesn’t take into account the variety of factors that affect weight loss over time.

What’s realistic? According to Hall, in the first year of a new weight-loss program, most people will lose about half the weight that the 3,500-calories rule predicts. In other words, over 12 months, instead of losing around 48 pounds, the average person may lose around 24 pounds—if that. And even still, this estimation largely depends on the person, primarily assuming they have a significant amount of weight to lose.

Individual weight losses are highly variable. The most overweight people will lose the most weight in the first few months of a program; the leanest will lose the least. That’s also why the “last five pounds” is always the toughest. Once you get leaner, it’s more difficult to lose additional weight—this is our bodies’ natural survival mechanism.

Still, Hall believes it’s better to succeed with an evidence-based strategy than to fall short with the old, difficult-to-achieve model. And evidence suggests that the best weight loss plan is the one you can adhere to over the long term, which tends to be less restrictive.

It’s important to remember that counting calories is not the be-all-to-end-all when it comes to weight loss. In fact, it can sometimes create an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. Smartwatches, apps, and other calorie trackers are available if you need them, but when you run regularly and fill your plate with fresh, healthy options, you know you’re doing the right things to keep your body healthy—regardless of weight.






Photos This Week

Off the grid for 2 days, hiked the 80km La Cloche Silhouette Trail

with Amber and Joe

Joe Hurban and I decided to hike La Cloche Silhouette Trail which is 78km. We actually did 81.26 km total in 2 days.
To be honest, this trail is rough and challenging. Most people will hike it in 5 to 10 days. I can now appreciate why.








Other Pics


Michelle Completes SudburyRocks!!! 10-km Challenge

SudburyRocks!!! Committee First ZOOM Meeting

Colin gives us 2 sunsets

Liz with tracks on the bike route

Ashley - new gravel cyclist

Donna's crew

Brianna and Karen on July 1

Ania with inspiration
















Upcoming Local Events


 July 1, 2020

Race 2 - July 1-8
6km / 12km / 25km
No course will be marked out, run any trail of your choice and upload results!


Who is excited for our next trail run!?

It’s coming up shortly so make sure you head over to https://www.apexwarrior.ca/trail-race-series to get registered. The last event was a hit so we are excited to present to our Race #2.

You can start anytime from July 1st until the 8th. Location and course map are coming up soon!



 July 1 - 31, 2020


Conquer the Crater Virtual Challenge & Triathlon
2020 has thrown us some curveballs, but we're ready to face the challenges head on.

Virtual Challenge - July 1-31

Throughout the month, you are encouraged to log all of your running, biking and swimming miles (1.6km for every mile).
Registration comes in two options that depend on how you want your recognition: Physical and Virtual.
Physical Recognition is $55, and we will mail you recognition of the completion of your challenge.
Virtual Recognition is $25, and we will email you a virtual medal and certificate for you to share on social media.

Virtual Triathlon - July 23-28

During this time, you can pick the event you are interested in competing in (Triathlon, Short Triathlon, Duathlon, and Short Duathlon)
and run/bike/swim the event as many times as you want.
Your best time in each section counts toward your final total time.
As with the Virtual Challenge, recognition will be available both physically and virtually.
Physical Recognition is $55,and we will mail you recognition of the completion of your race (a.k.a. a pair of really cool socks).
Virtual Recognition is $25, and we will email you a virtual medal and certificate for you to share on social media.

Thank you.

All Info and Registration here






Given the current situation related to COVID-19, the SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon organizing committee has decided to postpone our race. The new date for the 2020 SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon will be Sunday, October 25th. We know this news may be disappointing to you and for that we are very sorry, however we recognize this is the right thing to do at this time.
We are still encouraging participants and the public to register for the 2020 SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon and to support our beneficiary the Northern Cancer Foundation by collecting pledges. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
If you have any questions please feel free to connect with Elizabeth Taillefer at the Northern Cancer Foundation by email at etaillefer@hsnsudbury.ca or by calling 705.523.4673.
The organizing committee will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and keep our participants and friends up to date.
Please take care and stay healthy.
Thank you,
SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon
Organizing Committee








Run Club Update




Store News


Good afternoon Sudbury Runners and Walkers,


We have FREE run club Wednesday nights at 6pm and Sunday mornings at 8:30am.








Track North News - by Dick Moss





Dick Moss



Dick Moss, Head Coach
Laurentian XC/Track Team
c/o Coach Moss <pedigest@cyberbeach.net>
Web: http://laurentianxctrack.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/laurentianxctrack/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@luxctrack
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurentianxctrack/




For information call me.
Vincent Perdue

Proud sponsor of the Sudbury Rocks!!! Race-Run-Walk for the Health of it




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